In the News
Oklahoma evictions are fast and cheap. Legislation aims to change that: The Frontier
AG Opinion Opens Funding for Eviction Prevention: Oklahoma Watch
As eviction filings rise, Oklahoma could enact right-to-counsel laws: The Journal Record and Oklahoma Watch
Oklahomans in the county are evicted more than any other in the state: A look at the numbers: The Oklahoman
Oklahoma Evicted - Thousands of Civil Filings Linger in Records Forever: Oklahoma Watch
Nearly 200 families face eviction just days before Christmas: KFOR News 4
Hundreds of Oklahoma County families could be evicted just days before Christmas: KOCO News 5
Housing advocates say Oklahoma lawmakers should make it harder to evict: Oklahoma Voice
Gimme Shelter with Shelterwell: Lets Pod This Podcast Episode 251
Ward 2 Community Meeting: Homelessness City of OKC